About Us: Technology: Dental Fillings Technology
NSK Clinical Handpieces for Dental Fillings
BIDC dental clinic uses clinical handpieces from NSK Nakanishi Inc., that is one of the leading companies in infection control air turbine handpieces used for fillings treatment and general dentistry. The dental fillings handpieces bs NSK has features that are proven for aseptic clean head and infection control designs:

Clean Head System
The Patented NSK Clean Head System in its dental filling equipment handpiece is built into the turbine head section. There is a non-retraction mechanism designed to prevent entry of oral fluids and other foreign substances into the turbine head. This effect is a consequence of the pressure change as the turbine stops spinning. Clean Head System increases the durability of the ball bearings since contaminants never enter the turbine.

Ball Bearing
The ball bearing for NSK dental fillings handpiece is made of ceramic. Ceramic is 25% harder and 50% lighter than stainless steel. This means that it is highly resistant to damage from debris entering the turbine. Its lightness also means there is less friction with the bearing retainer allowing extended bearing life.

All NSK handpieces enables repeated autoclaving at 135 degrees enabling durability and built to for sterilization purposes.

Triple Water Spray
NSK triple water spray delivers coolant water to ensures effective cooling of the bur and the tooth surface. The dental fillings handpiece delivers water at the rate of 60 mL/min that is virtually parallel to the bur.

Non-Retraction Valve
The Non-Retraction Valve mechanism is built into the coupling and the air motor. This prevents retraction of oral contaminants into the water lines of handpieces. The Non-Retraction Valve works with the Clean Head System to provide an effective method in preventing cross contamination.