Clear Braces 

Clear braces uses the same orthodontic treatment techniques as having conventional metal braces. The main difference being that clear braces utilizes new bracket materials that are tooth-colored or transluent so that braces appears less visible. Rubber bands on ceramic braces may also be clear.

Metal Braces
Metal Braces
Traditional metal braces with colored bands
Clear Braces
Clear Braces
Clarity SL braces with clips and no o-rings

Benefits of Clear Braces

  • Translucent designed to blend in with teeth and thus fairly unnoticeable from distances and in photographs
  • Many find ceramic braces are more comfortable than metal and tends to be less irritating to the gums
  • Ceramic braces does not stain unlike composite brackets

Procedure for Clear Braces

The procedure for dental braces, recovery expectations and post care instructions for clear braces follows the same as that of metal braces.

Types of Clear Braces

BIDC uses clear braces from 3M Unitek including 3M Clarity braces and 3M Clarity SL braces.