Services: Dental Implants: Conventional Implants

Conventional Dental Implants

The most current developments in dental implants techniques, methodology, materials and component systems are used at Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC) and our group of dental clinics in Bangkok. BIDC is at the forefront in dental implant methodology and is also an official dental implant training center.

There are many models and brands of dental implants in the global market ranging from lower to higher range implant systems. At our dental center, the implant systems partners are Straumann and Nobel Biocare, both companies of which are leading providers of dental implants in the industry worldwide with implant systems renouned for their extensive research and development programs. Straumann SLA and Nobel Biocare Branmemark implants are ADA approved with established high success rates.

Conventional Dental Implants
Conventional Dental Implants

Conventionally, dental implant treatments are done in two phases. During the first phase, surgical placement of the titanium implant posts. The implant posts is then left to heal for 2 months or more called the osseointegration period whereby the dental implants posts are given healing time to integrate with the jaw bone. During the second phase, the fixed prosthetics such as crown, fixed bridges or overdentures are constructed and fitted onto the dental implant posts. Conventional teeth implants allow better predictability and dental implant stability permitting good successful case results. Computer based simulation and CT Scans now enables better diagnoses for dental implant treatments.

For certain cases where there is good bone quality and structure, immediate function dental implants treatments may also be done reducing treatment time. Please do consult with your implantologist on which types of dental implants protocols are best suited for your case.

Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC)'s Dental Implant Partners

Bangkok Dental Implants, Straumann Dental Implants
Bangkok Dental Implants, Nobel Biocare Dental Implants
Dental Implants : One Day Implants
Dental Implants : ITI SLActive Single Implants
Dental Implants : Dental Implant supported Fixed Bridges
Dental Implants : Dental Implant supported Overdentures
Dental Implants : All-on-4 and All-on-6
Dental Implants : Branemark Zygoma Dental Implants 

Cases at Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC)

BIDC and its group of clinics have done numerous full mouth rehabilitation and reconstruction dental implant cases. Each of our implantologists are overseas accredited dental implant specialists with over 10 years of experience in their field of specialization. BIDC is an authorized dental implant and training center whereby major and complex dental implant cases has been treated by our team of implantologists.

Basic Dental Implant Procedure

The implant procedure is very smiliar same whether one or all teeth are missing. Below outlines what you may expect during dental implant treatment:

  1. Implant Site Preparation
  2. Placing the Implant
  3. Healing Process
  4. Attaching the Post
  5. Placing the Crown or Denture
  6. Maintaining Your Dental Implant
Bangkok Implants, Dental X-ray

Implant Site Preparation

The gum tissue is opened to expose the bone area where the implant will be placed. In situations where there is insufficient bone structure, bone grafting may be a recommended procedure. Once healthy bone material has been established, a special drill is used to prepare the bone to receive the implant.

Placing the Implant

After the bone has been prepared, the implant is placed and the tissue is sutured.

The Healing Process - Osseointegration

The healing process takes about two months. This is the amount of time it usually takes the implant to become part of the lower jaw, commonly refered to as osseointegration. The sutures are typically removed however, seven to fourteen days after surgery.

Attaching the Post

When the gum tissue is ready, a special post is attached to the implant. It is the support for the new porcelain crown. Today's technologies often include zirconium abutments attached to the implant post, to assure that the new porcelain tooth possesses translucency properties similar to a natural tooth.

Placing the Crown/ Denture

After impressions are taken a crown is made and shaded to match your existing teeth. The crown is then slipped over the post and cemented. The completed implant with its final prosthetic crown appears as a natural tooth.

Maintaining Your Dental Implant

Once fully installed, regular dental visits and scrupulous oral hygiene are necessary for keeping the implants clean and the mouth healthy. The dentist will provide instructions regarding oral hygiene and proper dieting.

Bangkok Implants, Dental Implants Pictures

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