Services: Dental Implants: FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Is there discomfort involved?
  2. How long does it the treatment take? 
  3. How long can I expect to be off work?
  4. Is there a chance of rejection? 
  5. Who is a candidate for implants?
  6. What can happen with missing teeth without? 
  7. Is there discomfort involved?

Just as with any surgery, there can be some slightly discomfort. However, anesthetic and pain-controlled medications are used to eliminate any discomfort at the time of the procedure. Approximately 95 percent of patients report discomfort of 0-2 on a scale of 0-10 the day after the implants are placed. The doctor will prescribe medications to ease any discomfort that may occur. Special care will be taken to stay in contact with you after the surgery to be sure that you remain comfortable. 


How long does it the treatment take? 

To complete treatment takes an average of 6 to 8 weeks or shorter. Nowadays, in some cases, a temporary crown can placed on immediately so called " Immediated loaded implants " or " One day implants ". We do, however, provide patients with temporary teeth if it is the anterior tooth in all cases. AT NO TIME are you without teeth unless you elect to do so. 


How long can I expect to be off work? 

Generally, we recommend the day of and the following day after surgery, that no strenuous exercise be done. Generally, taking time off work is not necessary for a single tooth replacement case because the procedure is not more complex than a tooth extraction. However, the amount of time off required is an individual decision.


Is there a chance of rejection? 

The body does not reject a dental implant, as it might a soft tissue transplant, such as a lung, heart or kidney. This does not mean that an implant cannot fail, but it would be due to other factors, such as improper force on the implant or other conditions or existing diseases of the patient or poor oral hygiene. Dental implants are made of a material, titanium, that is totally compatible with body tissues and actually integrates with the surrounding bone and becomes part of the body. 


Who is a candidate for implants?

Anyone who is missing one or more (even all) of their teeth may be a candidate for implants. 

If one or a few of the teeth are missing, implants in conjunction with a crown or bridge can replace those teeth and function as normal teeth without losing more bone and being subject to decay. 

If all or most of your teeth are missing, then implants may be placed to anchor a loose denture. Sometimes, if there is already some bone loss, bone can be added and regenerated or a technique called bone expansion can be used to create a more ideal site for the implant(s). Ultimately, a consultation with a dentist who is knowledgable on these procedures can help determine your individual needs. 


What can happen with missing teeth without treatment? 

When you lose your teeth, you gradually lose the bone that supported them. As this bone disappears, problems with other teeth nearby and a lack of support for dentures, partials and bridges increase. These could include pain, mobility, lack of retention for prosthetics, sharp, painful ridges, mobile gum tissue and sore spots. 

The tongue enlarges to accommodate spaces of missing teeth. With tooth loss, a five-fold decrease in function occurs and the diet shifts to softer foods. Also, when bone is lost, numbness to the lower lip or even the possibility of fracture of the jaw rises. 

Since the bone is deteriorating, it will spread and deteriorate around healthy teeth and ultimately cause the loss of those teeth smiliar to a domino effect. 

This progresssion affects the ability to provide the same treatment in the later stages of bone loss than if treatment had been started earlier in the process. It's much better to replace a tooth BEFORE these side effects occur. A patient risks the possibility of not being able to provide the same, simple type of treatment that would have been possible earlier if treatment is delayed.