Considerations to Tooth Whitening 

Smoking should be stopped before teeth are bleached. Smoking can cause tissue damage on teeth and may defeat the effect of whitening. The best candidates for whitening are those with stains caused by coffee, tobacco or aging. 

Considerations to Tooth Whitening

Extensive composite and porcelain restorations

If you have pre-existing cosmetic restoration (bonding, porcelain crowns, bridge, veneers or fillings ) they will not be bleached and you may need to replace them in order to match your new color shade.

Pre-existing sensitive teeth and allergies

Individuals with sensitive teeth and gums, receding gums and/or defective restorations should consult with their dentist prior to using a tooth whitening system. Anyone allergic to peroxide (the whitening agent) should not use a bleaching product. 2/3 of these people will experience some sensitivity for 1-4 days. This is usually reversible upon termination of bleaching.

Severe gray/blue banded tetracycline staining

Guarded prognosis required. Stains in the gray family (such as from tetracycline) can be harder to remove, if not impossible. These stains can take up to six months or longer to whiten. Whitening may only reduce amounts of 'masking'.

Discoloration in gingival third or exposed yellow

Guarded prognosis for whitening required.

Pregnant or lactating women and young children

No know adverse effects but avoid use as a precautionary measure.

Translucent teeth

May appear darker after bleaching.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

May want to consider bleaching one arch and monitor comfort before proceeding with the other

Gum disease, worn enamel, cavities, and exposed roots

Cavities and gum diseases need to be treated before undergoing any whitening procedure.

Noncompliance or unrealistic expectation

The degree of whiteness is different from one individual to another, the degree of shade change obtainable is dependent on each person's reaction. Certain people react well while others may not be as responsive.

Whitening will not correct certain forms of discoloration. For these cases, a dentist may recommend veneers instead which cover the entire tooth. Teeth with prosthetics, bonding, tooth-colored fillings will not bleach. Individuals with yellow tones to their teeth respond best. 

The degree of whiteness will vary from individual to individual depending on the condition of the teeth, nature of the stain and individual reaction to the whitening agent.

Types of Teeth Whitening

There are two basic options for teeth whitening:

In-office tooth whitening

Professional in-office tooth whitening produces immediate instant whitening results using light-activated gel to brighten and whiten teeth in just one hour.

Home Bleaching

Home bleaching consist of applying whitening gel at home by a customised bleaching tray and prescription whitening gel. Teeth to be bleached are covered by the gel.

In-office tooth whitening gives immediate whitening results after treatment whilst at-home tooth whitening systems need to be done as directed by your dentist over a period of time to attain the result warranted. Read more on home bleaching procedures and home bleaching care instructions. 

Benefits of In-office Tooth Whitening

  • Done by professional whereby initial checks are first done to ensure that tooth whitening treatment is suited for individual 
  • Faster treatment time completed within one visit in about one hour 
  • No need to wear the tray over night as used in at-home whitening systems 

Types of In-office Tooth Whitening

BriteSmile Teeth Whitening

BriteSmile teeth whitening by Discus Dental has been used by famous celebrities world-wide. BriteSmile is best known as the whitening treatment giving a Hollywood smile. See BriteSmile Whitening fees at BIDC.

Zoom Teeth Whitening

Philips' Zoom teeth whitening is one of the most popularly requested in-office whitening treatments. With Philips Zoom's Relief ACP, the gel not only gives greater luster but also protects enamel. See Zoom teeth whitening fees at BIDC.

Laser Teeth Whitening

LaserSmile by Biolase works with patented Laser White gel in whitening teeth using Laser light in activating the whitening gel. LaserSmile's primary ingredient in the Laser White gel has been used in teeth whitening for over 100 years.

Procedure for In-office Tooth Whitening Treatment

1.First Evaluation and pre-whitening tooth shade selection

  • the pre-whitening tooth shade is selected from array of tooth-shaped porcelain tabs for post-treatment comparison 
  • professional dental scaling and polishing is usally done before the bleaching treatment is performed, but it is optional if the patient's teeth is already cleaned

2.Isolate Teeth to be Whitened 

  • A dental dam is placed to isolate teeth and prevent the whitening agent from irritating or damaging soft oral tissues

3.Place Eye Protection for protection

4.Apply whitening gel

  • teeth is dried and the bleaching compound applied

5.Expose whitening gel to laser light 

  • the whitening gel is activated using a light source. This "activation" shortens the needed treatment time and/or makes the whitener more effective

6.Leave whitening gel for a prescribed time or repeat 4 and 5

7.Remove whitening gel

  • the whitening gel and dental dam is washed and suctioned off

8.Determine Post-bleaching Tooth Shade after the bleaching treatment has been completed, a shade evaluation is done to see how much whitening is achieved

Recovery Expectations

Some people who undergo in-office whitening may experience some sensitivity in their teeth. This sensitivity should be gone within 1-2 days. 

Postcare Instructions for In-office Tooth Whitening 

1.Avoid consuming color-staining foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, coke, etc. as well as smoking for at least one week

2.Proper oral hygiene care should be carried out to maintain and avoid diminished whitening results

3.If experiencing some sensitivity in teeth after tooth whitening

  • Avoid hot, cold or acidic food and beverages
  • Pain medication be taken as directed as long as there is no medical contradiction based upon your medical history
  • Use flouride rinse and toothpaste for sensivity teeth 

Care for Tooth Whitened Teeth

Simply follow good oral hygiene practices:

  • Brush at least twice a day. It is good practice to brush after eating and before bedtime. 
  • Floss at least once to twice a day. 
  • Rinse with fluoride rinse before bed. Swish the fluoride rinse vigorously in your mouth for at least one minute. Do not swallow any of the rinse and do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes
  • Be careful about chewing toffees, gum, grainy rolls and tough food in this area
  • See your dentist for regular professional check-ups and cleanings