Clear Aligners

Clear aligners straightens teeth using a series of clear customized aligners using to a similiar concept that of Invisalign orthodontic treatment. The orthodontic treatment for clear aligner involves moving teeth positions by wearing the aligner trays one step at at time monthly. Essix braces are a common type of clear aligners.

Benefits of Clear Aligners

  • clear aligners are almost non-visible
  • clear aligners can be removed before eating or for cleaning
  • moves teeth efficiently
  • comfortable 
  • proven results for many years

Procedure of Clear Aligner Treatment 

1.First Evaluation

  • Your orthodontist evaluates and creates a treatment plan
  • Records and impressions of your teeth are taken

2.Pre-orthodontic treatment

  • Any required pre-orthodontic treatment is done such as tooth extraction, gum treatment or teeth scaling
  • Tooth impression is taken for the clear aligner to be made

3.Fitting of clear aligners

  • once the clear aligners are ready, they are placed 

4.Wearing of Clear Aligners

  • Visits are made to your orthodontist for adjustments and to check progress on a monthly basis 
  • At regular intervals, tooth impression is taken to have a new set of custom-molded clear aligners made to continue the straightening process

5.Upon treatment completion, clear aligner retainers are normally worn during night time to prevent relapse

The total number of clear aligners is specific to you, determined by your doctor for your course of treatment.

Recovery Expectations

Most people have some discomfort after aligners are first put on or when adjusted during treatment until your tongue, tooth and mouth becomes accustomed to the aligners. Overall, orthodontic discomfort is short-lived and easily managed.

Care of Teeth with Clear AlignerTreatment

  1. Teeth and the aligners would need to be kept cleaned every day if the teeth and gums are to be healthy during and after orthodontic treatment
  2. Follow your orthodontist directions on how often to brush, how often to floss and he use of other cleaning aids to help maintain good dental health