Services: Dental Implants: All-on-4

All-on-4 Dental Implant Concept

The All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant concept is a solution that has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and allow the immediate functioning of dental implants for full arch reconstruction cases. The All-on-4 concepts implants four oral implants into a full arch missing jaw with the outer most teeth implants being titled towards the anterior bone area. Whilst the All-on-6 concepts places six implants into a full arch missing teeth jaw.

Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC) is a the fore-front of treating patients requiring full arch reconstruction and dental implants in Thailand. At our dental center in Bangkok, our team of well-experienced and highly qualified implantologists place on new set of teeth within 72 hours from dental implant placement. The dental implant treatment with an immediate functioning acrylic hybrid bridge is thus completed in one trip.


Benefits of All-on-4 and All-on-6 Immediate Function Dental Implants

  • Suitable for almost all bone quantities. None or very small bone graft required
  • Flapless and painless procedure 
  • simple and good predictability from a surgical perspective
  • Well-balanced prosthetic support for an immediate function procedure
  • Attractive prosthetic solution, Immediate Function & fixed prosthesis
  • No healing time required prior to functioning
  • Fast , fixed and cost effective

All-On-Four & All-on-Six Immediate Function Implants Procedure

The treatment procedure and steps for full arch dental implant treatmnet using the All-on-Four and All-on-Six concept is as follows:

  • First evaluation, x-ray and CT Scan to determine implant site positioning and bone condition 
  • Implant site preparation and placement of dental implants
  • placement of the hybrid bridge or overdentures 

The all-on-4 and all-on-6 immediate function dental implant may not apply to all cases, please do thus email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a free consultation.

Following placement of the artificial roots in the jaw, the bone may be sore and the surrounding gums tender and swollen. Patients are, however, able to go about their normal daily activities a day after surgery avoiding any rigorous physical exercises or activities.

For the All-on-Four and All-on-Six immediate function implants, the same postcare instructions apply as that of conventional dental implants. Dental implants require the same care as real teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.