Dental Diagnosis

Dental Diagnosis is the most important aspect in modern dentistry. Oral examinations, x-rays and checkups are done to ensure a proper treatment plan is drawn and executed. The dental diagnosis determines what types of treatments and how an individual patient case is to be treated.

Two main aspects are looked at on dental diagnosis at BIDC dental center:

Dental Diagnosis Policies and Standards

At our dental clinic in Bangkok, our clinic is dedicated dental center with simple objectives:

  1. Professionalism in code of conduct
  2. International standards
  3. Quality care of patients with compassion

Our policies and control checks are set to provide transparency. We believe in taking the time to educate each of patient on their options and setting realistic targets. Our dental specialists and dentists are a selected group of qualified and skilled individuals chosen to treat our patients in their specific field of expertises. 

A hoslistic approach is taken to ensure that our patients are properly and professionally treated. As with all our treatments, our team takes into considerations the patients long-term prognosis. A large number of our dental specialists are overseas graduates trained in the United Kingdom, United States and other parts of the world.

Dental Diagnosis Technologies

To aid our dentists and dental specialists in dental diagnosis and providing good quality dental care, modern equipments and techniques are utilized. 

Our dental clinic has our own 3D digital CT Scan and panoramic x-ray machines within its dental building are used to facilitate systemic diagnoses and treatment plans. Our dental clinic has over 10 treatment rooms, each equipped with modern dental units designed for patient comfort .

Within each specific stream of dentistry, our dental specialists are also aided and guided by specialized instruments with the patient safety functions. For each specific field of dentistry, view more on our dental technologies offered at our dental center.

Sterilization standards are of the uptmost importances at our clinic. Our dental clinic places emphasis on sterilization policies and controls, sterilization equipments, personalized sterilization options and have dedicated sterilization machines and technologies in protecting the safety of our patients. Tools such as autoclave sterilizer , ultrasonic cleanser , cold sterilizer, vacuum machine, sunction machines and one-time disposable materials are used to ensure high standards of hygiene and cleaniness are met. Chemical and biological sterilization indicators are used to double-check our sterilization efforts to ensure total sterilization and safety of our patients.

Our clinical handpieces, dental units and other machines are selected not only for their technological advancements but also for their design focus on sterilization approaches.